Dresden.rb meetup
hosted by rug-dd by webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH www.webit.de, 06.03.2025 at 19:00Die neue Ruby User Group in Dresden richtet sich an alle Interessierten, die sich für die Programmiersprache Ruby und deren vielfältige Anwendungen begeistern. Am 06.03.2025 um 19:00 findet das zweite Meetup statt.
Ziel ist der Austausch von Wissen, Erfahrungen und Ideen durch regelmäßige Treffen, Vorträge und evtl. kleinere Workshops. Mitglieder können voneinander lernen, kreative Projekte vorstellen und die neuesten Trends der Community diskutieren. Ein paar Snacks und Getränke gibt es auch, und jeder ist herzlich willkommen!
Für Updates schaut regelmäßig hier vorbei oder kommt auf unseren Discord
The new Ruby User Group in Dresden is aimed at anyone interested in the Ruby programming language. The second meetup will take place on 06.03.2025 at 19:00. We want to exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas through regular meetings, lectures and possibly smaller workshops. Members can learn from each other, present creative projects and discuss the latest trends in the community. There are also a few snacks and drinks, and everyone is welcome!
For updates, check back here or join our Discord
Attendees: (7)
Richard Böhme
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Andreas Reischuck
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Maik Arnold
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Richard Kramer
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Roland Schwarzer
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Sarah Franke
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Steve Reinke
Events: 2
Topics: 0
The next meetup is taking place on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 19:00:00 +0100 at webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH !
Do you want to give a Talk at the Ruby Usergroup or do you have additional Topics to talk about? Then send us an E-Mail.
Usergroups need engaging People. If you think some Topic is missing, or you want to have more Infos on something, you are encouraged to add it to our Wishlist. If you have an Idea for a Talk or anything else add it here to get instant Feedback of the Ruby / Rails Community.
Add a TopicProposals
The Dresden.rb is a usergroup, group of interest or just a bunch of people loving Ruby. Get in contact with us at our next meetup! Newbees are always welcome.
Steve Reinke
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Roland Schwarzer
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Richard Kramer
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Ben Rexin
Events: 1
Topics: 1
Joschka Schulz
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Benjamin Deutscher
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Felix Stüber
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Leon Ullrich
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Susanne Götze
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Preethi Haridas
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Eugen Helm
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Benjamin Steuer
Events: 1
Topics: 0
Richard Böhme
Events: 2
Topics: 0
Johannes Balk
Events: 1
Topics: 1
Peter Baker
Events: 1
Topics: 0
These are the Locations our usergroup usually takes place.
A lot of the Members of the Ruby Usergroup are working there too and we love to see new faces around.
If you think that a Company is missing, send us an E-Mail.